Thigh liposuction is a popular procedure for removing excess fat from the thighs, often sought after for cosmetic improvement and to eliminate inner thigh chafing. This procedure can be combined with hip liposuction to address “saddlebags.” Thigh liposuction involves detaching fat cells from surrounding tissue using specialized vibrating cannulas, which are then gently extracted with vacuum suction. Patients can expect slimmer, more sculpted thighs with a more toned appearance, and some may even achieve an inner thigh gap with inner thigh liposuction.
What does liposuction of the thighs involve?
Benefits of Thigh Liposuction
Who are the most appropriate candidates
- A body mass index (BMI) below 30
- Good physical health with no chronic medical conditions like heart disease
- Concerns about the appearance of fat thighs
- Skin irritation from inner thighs rubbing together
- Realistic expectations of the procedure's outcomes and awareness of potential risks and complications.
Can thigh liposuction be combined with other types of body contouring surgery?
What are the common liposuction areas
Can I have a mini thigh lift
Sophisticated fat removal techniques preserve fat cells for use in fat transfer procedures, enhancing volume in other body areas. Fat transfer involves liposuction, followed by injection into another area, commonly used for gluteal, breast, and facial enhancements. Fat transfer to the buttocks can improve firmness, while a surgical buttock lift may be necessary for severe sagging. A mummy makeover is a comprehensive procedure combining breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, and abdominoplasty to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body shape. Cellulite can be treated with CelluTite, a radiofrequency treatment combined with subcision, which can be paired with thigh liposuction to address fat thighs and cellulite simultaneously. Consult with an expert surgeon to determine the optimal combination of treatments for achieving slimmer, toned thighs.
Why choose Centre for Surgery?
- Outstanding patient satisfaction rates exceeding 95%
- Utilization of effective, medically proven liposuction techniques
- Comprehensive pre- and post-operative care from a dedicated nursing team
- Expertise in various liposuction methods, including SmartLipo and Vaser liposuction