Thigh liposuction is a popular procedure for removing excess fat from the thighs, often sought after for cosmetic improvement and to eliminate inner thigh chafing. This procedure can be combined with hip liposuction to address “saddlebags.” Thigh liposuction involves detaching fat cells from surrounding tissue using specialized vibrating cannulas, which are then gently extracted with vacuum suction. Patients can expect slimmer, more sculpted thighs with a more toned appearance, and some may even achieve an inner thigh gap with inner thigh liposuction.

What does liposuction of the thighs involve?

Thigh liposuction is commonly performed to remove excess fat from the inner and outer thighs, addressing areas such as saddle bags and the inner thigh gap. A more comprehensive option is 360 liposuction, which involves circumferential liposuction of the entire thigh area. To determine suitability for thigh liposuction, a consultation with a body contouring surgeon is recommended. The procedure is typically performed as a day-case procedure under general anesthesia, using total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) for a rapid and comfortable recovery. Small incisions are made to access the excess fat, which is then broken up and removed using power-assisted liposuction. The resulting fat cells can also be used for fat transfer to other areas, such as the buttocks or breasts. After the procedure, a compression garment is worn for 4-6 weeks to aid in the resolution of swelling and optimize the contour of the thighs. Ideal candidates for thigh liposuction are those with a healthy body mass index (BMI) below 25.

Benefits of Thigh Liposuction

Thigh liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure with a short recovery period, offering numerous benefits that can significantly boost self-confidence. These advantages include achieving more sculpted and thinner thighs, creating a thigh gap, eliminating inner thigh chafing, and enjoying better-fitting clothes. Patients can experience improved emotional well-being, reduced anxiety and stress, and the freedom to wear fitted clothing without self-consciousness. Additionally, thigh liposuction can be combined with fat transfer procedures for enhanced results.

Who are the most appropriate candidates

During a personalized consultation, your surgeon will assess your suitability for thigh liposuction, considering factors such as:

Can thigh liposuction be combined with other types of body contouring surgery?

Thigh liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure to address the inner or outer thighs. It can also be combined with other procedures, such as knee liposuction to treat fat knees or liposuction of the stomach or back. Additionally, 360 liposuction is a popular option for comprehensive body contouring, offering dramatic results.

What are the common liposuction areas

Some patients may experience loose skin on the thighs after weight loss or aging, leading to concerns about sagging skin. To address both excess fat and loose skin, many patients opt to combine thigh liposuction with a thigh lift procedure, effectively removing unwanted fat and skin from the inner thighs.


Can I have a mini thigh lift

Sophisticated fat removal techniques preserve fat cells for use in fat transfer procedures, enhancing volume in other body areas. Fat transfer involves liposuction, followed by injection into another area, commonly used for gluteal, breast, and facial enhancements. Fat transfer to the buttocks can improve firmness, while a surgical buttock lift may be necessary for severe sagging. A mummy makeover is a comprehensive procedure combining breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, and abdominoplasty to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body shape. Cellulite can be treated with CelluTite, a radiofrequency treatment combined with subcision, which can be paired with thigh liposuction to address fat thighs and cellulite simultaneously. Consult with an expert surgeon to determine the optimal combination of treatments for achieving slimmer, toned thighs.

Why choose Centre for Surgery?

Patients choose Centre for Surgery for thigh liposuction due to several compelling reasons:

How can I reduce thigh fat without surgery

To achieve slim-looking thighs, adopting healthy lifestyle habits is essential. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources is recommended. Limiting refined sugar foods, sweetened fizzy drinks, and excessive alcohol consumption is also crucial. Regular physical exercise, such as 30-minute sessions five times a week, can help reduce thigh fat and tone the muscles. Specific exercises like squats, lateral thigh raises, and cardiovascular activities like running, cycling, and swimming can target the thighs and general body fat. For those with busy schedules, high-intensity interval training and regular walking can also be beneficial for improving thigh tone.

What are the causes of fat thighs

The development of fat thighs is influenced by various lifestyle factors, including a sedentary lifestyle, consuming high-calorie diets, and genetics. A diet lacking essential nutrients and high in sugary and fatty foods contributes to increased body fat. Alcohol consumption can also lead to high calorie intake. Hereditary factors play a role, with some individuals more prone to fat thighs despite a healthy diet and regular exercise. Gender also influences the distribution of fat, with women more likely to develop “saddlebags” on the outer hips. Hormonal changes during puberty, menopause, and pregnancy can also contribute to fat accumulation in the thighs. Many women experience difficulty losing weight gained during pregnancy, leading some to consider thigh liposuction, often as part of a comprehensive “mummy makeover” procedure.

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