Leg liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat from the legs to slim and reshape them. It’s a surgical technique that can target areas like the thighs, calves, ankles, and knees that are often resistant to diet and exercise


The liposuction procedure for the legs involves:

Benefits of Liposuction Legs

The benefits of liposuction include:

Liposuction legs for Lipedema

Lipedema is a chronic condition with abnormal fat distribution, especially in legs leading to a lumpy and painful appearance. Liposuction legs can be an effective treatment for lipedema, removing excess fatty tissue in the affected areas.

Why choose liposuction legs?

Leg liposuction offers numerous benefits, including lasting results, safety, and a relatively quick procedure. The use of local anesthesia eliminates the risk of long-term side effects, while the absence of cuts means no scarring. The procedure is designed to minimize pain and achieve a natural-looking result. Additionally, the aftercare is excellent, allowing patients to return home the same day and quickly enjoy the benefits of their newly contoured legs.

Procedure Before

Before liposuction leg treatment, a comprehensive consultation takes place. This is an important part of the entire process. This is the time to discuss any concerns or problems with the doctor. In addition, the medical specialist now has the opportunity to discuss your medical history with you. An accurate determination will be made of where the localized fat deposits are and an indication of the final result will be given. This depends on how much fat needs to be removed. You will have the opportunity to discuss all questions and doubts so that you can go through the rest of the process with peace of mind.


The Day of Treatment

On the day of liposuction treatment, you will be welcomed by the doctor and nurse. We will put you at ease and quietly begin preparations for the leg liposuction treatment. If necessary, you can take medication for pain or to calm down. After this, pictures will be taken, you will be weighed and your blood pressure will be measured. The doctor will now mark the treatment areas on your legs.

During The Treatment

Leg liposculpture takes place under local anesthesia. This makes the treatment virtually painless. The anesthetic is inserted into the skin with a thin needle and will take effect after about 45 minutes. The anesthesia ensures that you do not experience pain during the treatment and you can relax more.

Leg Fat Removal with Liposuction

Once the anesthesia has worn off, liposuction will begin. A small incision is made where the cannula will be inserted. Through this tube, the excess fat will be removed from the lower or upper leg. You are conscious during the treatment, without experiencing pain. This makes it possible to adjust your posture during the treatment, therefore the doctor can reach everything perfectly. This ultimately contributes to the final result.

Aftercare Liposuction Treatment

Immediately after the treatment, we apply absorbent material with a special elastic pressure suit over it. This will absorb the fluid and allow your body to recover even faster. After this you will have time to rest and possibly have a small meal. If you have any questions the doctor can answer them now.

Quick Recovery After Liposuction Treatment

We will explain everything for any aftercare and you will be given our details so you can always contact us should you have any questions later. You can simply go home afterwards and basically resume normal activities within a few days. The real results will be visible from about 3 months.

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