Liposuction and buccal fat pad removal are both cosmetic procedures that can help contour the face, but they are different in how they are performed and the areas they target


Uses a cannula to suction fat from the face. This procedure is typically used to remove fat from the cheeks, but it can’t be used to remove buccal fat because the cannula could injure important structures in the face.

Buccal Fat Pad Removal

A surgical procedure that involves making incisions inside the mouth to remove the fat pads located beneath the cheekbones. This procedure can help define the cheekbones and jawline, and reveal the face’s natural contours.

Here are ome more details about each procedure:

Buccal fat pad removal

The procedure involves making incisions inside the mouth, locating the fat pads, and cutting them out. The procedure is generally performed under local anesthesia, and recovery typically takes about three weeks


Potential complications of buccal fat pad removal include excessive bleeding, infection, and facial nerve damage

Combining procedures

It’s possible to combine buccal fat pad removal with neck liposuction to achieve more definition in the jawline and submental area.
A plastic surgeon can recommend the best method for addressing cheek fullness and contouring the face.

Target Area

Liposuction can target various facial areas, while buccal fat pad removal specifically targets the lower cheeks. Liposuction generally targets a broader area of facial fat, including the cheeks, jawline, and neck, while buccal fat pad treatment specifically focuses on removing the concentrated fat pads located deep within the cheeks, creating a more defined cheekbone contour; essentially, liposuction is more generalized, while buccal fat removal is more precise in targeting specific fat pockets within the cheeks.

Can Buccal Fat Removal Be Reversed?

Buccal fat removal surgery is considered a permanent procedure, as it eliminates fat cells that do not regenerate. However, while the removed fat cells do not grow back, the remaining fat cells can still expand if you gain weight, potentially affecting the long-term outcome of the surgery.


Liposuction uses suction to remove fat cells, whereas buccal fat pad removal involves surgically removing the fat pads. A “buccal fat pad treatment” is typically not performed using traditional liposuction techniques, as it primarily involves making a small incision inside the cheek to directly access and remove the buccal fat pad with forceps, while liposuction usually uses a cannula to suction fat from a larger area; therefore, the main technique for buccal fat removal is a surgical excision through an intraoral incision, carefully dissecting and removing the fat pad while minimizing damage to surrounding structures like nerves and blood vessels


Liposuction combined with buccal fat pad removal typically results in a more defined facial profile, with prominent cheekbones and a slimmer appearance, particularly in the lower face, by removing excess fat from the cheeks and jawline, creating a more sculpted and contoured look; full results are usually visible within a few months after surgery

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