A brachioplasty, commonly called an arm lift, is a surgical procedure to reshape and provide improved contour to the upper arms and connecting area of chest wall. Although “brachioplasty” is commonly used to describe a specific procedure for the upper arms, the term can also be used to describe any surgical arm contouring. Brachioplasty is often used to address issues such as excessive loose skin or excessive fat in the arms when it does not respond well to diet and exercise.

Brachioplasty Techniques

Liposuction of the arms

The least-invasive manner to contour the upper arms is to simply remove extra fat via liposuction. However, traditional deep liposuction often leaves sagging and wrinkled skin. An alternative to this is Circumferential para-Axillary Superficial Tumescent (CAST) liposuction, which maximizes the skin retraction

Hidden/Minimal incision brachioplasty

Under the right conditions such as adequate skin elasticity and minimal excess skin, the surgical incision for the brachioplasty can be placed under the arm. This allows for easy concealment of the scar. Minimal incision brachioplasty includes lipoplasty of the upper arm, wide-axillary and upper-arm skin excision, and dermal suspension of the upper-arm skin to the axillary fascia

Traditional brachioplasty

The typical brachioplasty involves removing excessive loose skin via surgical excision, leaving a significant scar along the bottom of the upper arms.

Extended brachioplasty

If there is also a significant amount of loose skin that goes from the upper arms and continues along the chest wall, an extended brachioplasty may be called for. In an extended brachioplasty, the incision and excision of skin continues along the upper arm onto the area under the arm along the chest wall.

Fish-incision brachioplasty

This method is used for patients with an enormous amount of soft tissue excess. Fish-incision brachioplasty uses mathematical measurements and anatomic marking that allows the preoperative marking of the incision in the shape of a fish.


Some of the possible complications associated with brachioplasty include

Immediately after brachioplasty surgery

After the operation, you can expect:

Self-care at home after brachioplasty

Be guided by your medical practitioner, but general self-care suggestions include:

Long-term outlook following brachioplasty

Having a brachioplasty will not stop your upper arms from sagging if you gain and lose a large amount of weight in the future. You must also expect a certain degree of sagging as you age. Scarring will be permanent, but should fade in time. Be patient – improvements to scars may take around a year or so.

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